Anne-Elise Cugliari Allegritti, Director of Communications at Royal LePage, discusses how brokers and agents can leverage the company’s brand power to grow their businesses and better communicate with consumers

We asked Royal LePage’s top leadership to share their insights into staying productive and inspiring collaboration.
We sat down with Anne-Elise Cugliari Allegritti, Director of Communications, to discuss how brokers and agents can leverage the company’s brand power to grow their businesses and better communicate with consumers.
Here’s our conversation:
How would you explain the Royal LePage culture?
Royal LePage’s culture is all about collaboration that fuels innovation and productivity. We see a lot of advice sharing amongst our broker network – they lift each other up by sharing best practices and insights on trends and tools. And, there is a real commitment to the Royal LePage brand, which everyone benefits from. For many brokers and agents, this appreciation for the brand helps them feel more connected to the company and to each other; it encourages productivity and profitability.
How does Royal LePage set itself apart in communications and public relations?
No other real estate brand earns as many media impressions as Royal LePage. Phil Soper, our President & CEO, is the most quoted real estate services professional in Canada. We are known as the Voice of Canadian real estate with over 7.5 billion media impressions in 2022*, the most of any real estate services brand in Canada. This is critical brand awareness that drives lead generation because we’re seen by Canadians as industry experts and successful, insightful, trustworthy consumer advocates.
Also, our award-winning PR campaigns are robust with insightful data, and shareable assets and insights that are highly popular with Royal LePagers across the country.
What is your best tip for providing clear, concise communication?
At the core of successful communication is a clear understanding of each of your audiences in every sense. What do they care about? How and when do they receive information? What myths might you have to dispel?
Think about the subgroups you’ll be communicating your message to (teams, high performers, agents, consumers, etc.). Your communication should be customized to reach each of those subgroups in the clearest and most efficient way possible. The goal is not simply to deliver your message, but to ensure that message is received and easily understood.
Want to see our industry-leading PR campaigns at work? Visit our consumer blog and media room to learn more.
*Print, broadcast and online media impressions January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022.