Use the power of voice to build your business and provide value to your audience

Podcasting can be a powerful tool to help build your brand and make personal connections with your audience. Hosting a podcast gives you the opportunity to showcase your expertise and become a thought leader in your industry. Not only can a podcast help drive your business and establish you as an expert in your field, it is also a relatively inexpensive way to gain exposure for your brand.
Launching a podcast is easier than you think. Here are a few things to consider before getting started.
Find your niche
First, you’ll want to establish a clear topic that your podcast will focus on. You don’t have to put yourself in a box – the key is to find a balance. Don’t be so specific in your topic that you don’t have room to grow, but stick to a general theme so your audience knows what to expect. How do you know if you’ve picked the right topic? Try writing down all the potential episodes you could record on that given subject. If you can’t come up with at least 50, you should broaden your topic.
Pick a name
Brainstorm a name for your podcast that captures your brand and the topics you’ll be discussing. It can be as simple as “The (your name) Podcast”, or it can be more specific, like “The Toronto Real Estate Show”. Once you find a name that resonates, consider purchasing a domain.
Consider a co-host, or have guest appearances
Having a co-host is a great way to hold yourself accountable and helps you stay consistent. It can also help relieve the pressure of going it alone. If you opt for a co-host, you’ll want to make sure they have great charisma – someone who you can have naturally flowing conversation with.
If you don’t want to commit to a full time co-host, why not consider having guest appearances? Inviting guests who specialize in niche areas will allow you to cover topics that you may not be the expert on. It will also help to expand your audience when they share your podcast with their own clients or followers.
Invest in equipment – but don’t break the bank
The great thing about podcasts is that your audience is primarily there to listen, so you won’t need to invest in the highest quality video production from the start. Don’t let equipment get in the way of postponing your launch. You only need a few key items to get your show off the ground. Investing in a high-quality microphone and headphone amplifier is the best place to start. If you plan to share video recordings of your podcasts, which can feel more personal and engaging for your audience, you will need additional video equipment.
Leverage your podcast to generate content for other platforms
One of the most beneficial aspects of having a podcast is that it allows you to generate valuable content for other platforms. If you record it on video, you can break down the podcast into sub-topics and post video clips on your social channels. You can also transcribe your podcast and add it to e-newsletters, or create blog posts for your website. There are many ways to get creative and leverage your podcast to create useful content for your audience across multiple channels.
Keep it consistent
The key to podcasting success, much like other aspects of your business, is consistency. While you may not find success in podcasting right away, being consistent with it can help you cut through the noise and connect with your audience. The more you do it, the better you will become.
Not ready to launch your own podcast? Don’t let that stop you from getting yourself and your brand out there.
Consider being a guest on other podcasts before committing to launching your own. Many of your peers may have podcasts, and if it is the right fit, you could make a guest appearance. Being featured on a podcast is also a great way to elevate your own podcasting skills.
When it comes to podcasting, starting somewhere is better than not starting at all. Being a guest on a podcast allows you to get a feel for the process and gets you comfortable with speaking to an audience, and even appearing on camera. As a guest expert, you won’t need to worry about producing the podcast, coming up with topics or thinking of questions – you are simply there to speak on a subject that you already know a lot about.
Use the platform as an opportunity to gain exposure for your brand
When you appear on someone else’s podcast, you are showcasing yourself to a new audience, and bringing your expertise, advice and commentary to a new marketplace. If you are an expert on a certain topic, such as investment properties, pre-construction or commercial real estate, you can quickly become a go-to source for information on that subject. You will be able to show the value you can bring to your audience, and take the opportunity to advertise yourself.
Leverage the content on your own social media channels
As an added benefit, being a guest also means that the majority of the work is already done for you – you just need to promote it! Appearing on a thirty-minute podcast can easily be turned into multiple pieces of content for your social media channels, which can be dripped out over a period of time.
Now you’re ready to enter the world of podcasting! What’s stopping you?