How to Plan an A+ Fundraising Event for the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation

August 30, 2023 7 min. read

Royal LePage Shelter Foundation fundraisers take many forms, from formal dinner parties and auctions to backyard barbeques, trivia nights, sports tournaments, and more. But the key to a successful fundraiser is to tailor the event to your audience and skill set.

Every year, an increasing number of brokers and agents find themselves inspired to get involved with the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation—and for good reason.

Not only is Royal LePage the only Canadian real estate company with its own charitable foundation,  we have also proudly grown to become the largest public foundation in Canada dedicated exclusively to funding women’s shelters and domestic violence prevention.

Since 1998, Royal LePage professionals have raised more than $41 million — thanks in large part to the hundreds of thousands of dollars raised locally each year through the hard work and dedication of individual agents, teams of all sizes, and brokerages from coast to coast.

But we aren’t done yet.

We know thousands more women and children need our support in finding safety, hope and healing after experiencing abuse—and thousands more community members are ready to stand with us in solidarity that home should be a safe place for everyone.

That’s where you come in.

On top of the immeasurable benefits of raising money and awareness for a life-saving and life-changing cause, hosting a fundraising event is a great way to connect with your current and prospective clients and be seen as a leader in your community. Someone who is ready to make a difference for the place where they work and call home. 

Whether you want to host an event that’s tried and true or go all out with a new, creative idea, it’s all about finding the right fit and setting yourself up for success. We’ve seen it all, from formal dinner parties, large and small-scale auctions and concerts to trivia nights, sports tournaments, virtual gatherings, garage sales and more. We believe there’s an event idea for any community and event planner!

Six tips for hosting a successful Shelter Foundation fundraising event:

Identify your audience

When planning any event, it’s important to first think of your guest list. Who do you want to invite? What kind of activity or offering will be of value to them?

For example, if you work in a community filled with families and young children, a neighbourhood carnival with lots of fun entertainment may be a good route. However, a themed dinner party would be more appropriate if you’re attracting young professionals.

Stick to your strengths

Are you a seasoned event planner who is known amongst your group of friends for having the best, most unique party ideas? Do you have relationships with local businesses that would support your event? Is your social media presence strong and engaging? That’s great—leverage the skills and connections you already have in your toolkit to set the stage for a successful event.

On the other hand, if you’re having trouble coming up with a unique event idea or are new to event planning, don’t feel the need to reinvent the wheel. Borrow from other successful events in similar communities or reach out to the Shelter Foundation to discuss what’s worked for supporters like you in the past.

The key is to be excited about your event! Make sure the event is something you’re keen to work on for weeks or months in advance and share proudly with your circle of friends, clients and colleagues. Your enthusiasm will come through to prospective guests.

Build your team

Form a committee and divide up responsibilities according to volunteers’ strengths and interests (e.g. fundraising/sponsorships, social media/marketing, event planning/logistics). Make sure your team meets regularly to check in, set goals and ensure your planning efforts are cohesive.

This is also a great time to make a list of local businesses you can approach to sponsor your event. Getting other companies who would like access to your network involved is a huge opportunity to cover your event expenses and maximize your fundraising results.

Create a budget

Before you book anything, create a detailed budget that takes into account all your expected income from sponsors, attendees, and any other fundraising revenue. Deduct your estimated expenses including venue costs, food and beverages, printing and advertising, prizes and incidentals. 

Remember, if your budget forecasts that you won’t make a profit that aligns with the efforts you’re expending, you may want to rethink your expenses.

Pick a date 

Before making an official announcement, look carefully at your personal and community calendar. Choose a date that optimizes your ability to plan and attract the people you’re trying to reach while avoiding any religious/public holidays or local conflicts.

Get support from the Shelter Foundation team

Always check in early with the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation to share your plans, ask questions about our tax receipt policy as it relates to your event, review your marketing materials and get advice on important next steps.

We’re here to help make your event a success!

Learn more about hosting a Royal LePage Shelter Foundation event. Questions? Email our team.

Check out some of the fundraising events our fantastic Royal LePagers have put on over the years!